Boarding schools often get a bad reputation for being too disciplined and strict. But this generalization is far from the truth! Also, most of them are painted as dreary and dark places where students struggle to adjust, and their emotional needs are not looked after.
Residential schools are one of the best educational institutions built on sprawling grounds so students can enjoy large open spaces. The teachers are highly trained to handle the students’ physical, mental and emotional needs. The students live comfortably in dormitories with other children their age and enjoy freshly cooked meals at the canteen. Wardens look after the needs of the students and help them during emergencies. Furthermore, boarding schools engage students in several extracurricular activities that ensure their holistic development. So, the focus is not only on academic excellence; students can also hone their talents and acquire new skills. The best boarding schools in Darjeeling have football fields, basketball courts, lawn tennis courts, and entertainment centers where students can dance, sing, and learn musical instruments. Students are also allowed to form debate, chess, nature, or math clubs and participate in group activities.
The boarding school arrangement works best for working parents who don’t find enough time for their children. So, when your child is at a residential school, you can rest easy knowing they are being taken care of. They can reach out to any faculty member whenever they have doubts regarding their lessons or need help completing an assignment. The students are even taken out for weekend trips or tours that will help advance their learning process and get a better grasp on the subjects being taught in the class. Continue reading to know how boarding school students turn out to be better than regular day school students.
Students are Taught a Sense of Personal Growth and Community at Boarding Schools
The community atmosphere is loved most by students in a boarding school. Students get to meet people from various backgrounds and cultures. They share different opinions and views.
Students bond with each other regardless of their cultures or age when they get together. They become a family, one of the biggest pluses of a boarding school education. It teaches students to adapt themselves to their surroundings quickly. So, as they opt for higher studies in a different country or go abroad to work, they can quickly interact and connect with people around them without feeling pangs of anxiety that students from regular day schools experience.
Moreover, boarding school students are much more open to new experiences. They do not judge anyone based on their background, religion, caste, culture, or economic standing. They are non-judgemental because they have lived and shared meals with different people and accept diversity.
So, why make your child wait for the exciting adventures of dormitory life when they can experience it in middle or high school? It will help your child grow up to be a well-adjusted individual and an upstanding citizen of the country.
Boarding School Students Learn Independence and Understand the Importance of Priorities
Independence is another major reason children must attend a CBSE residential school in Siliguri. After all, independence is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children. The best way to stop being hyper-vigilant in your child’s life is by sending them to a boarding school.
The school environment offers controlled freedom where children become independent and learn to care for themselves. Students must navigate their boarding school life by doing their laundry, packing their bags, and completing other necessary tasks. They have to take responsibility for their actions and things. Parents are not available to shield them from any consequences that they might come across. Therefore, boarding schools are a great place for children to fail and learn.
When it is time for them to go to college, children are already prepared to start the next chapter of their life. They are capable of managing their lives and becoming strong individuals. They are capable of solving problems and adapting to all kinds of situations. They get much better at dealing with people and develop impeccable interpersonal skills.
Residential Schools Provide Strong Academic Opportunities for Students
Residential schools offer amazing academic opportunities for students, such as helping them build intense connections with their teachers because they live on campus. Also, the class sizes are smaller and much more intimate.
The teachers at residential schools regard their positions as more of a vocation than a job. They become role models in the students’ lives and work with them to help them achieve academic success. Teachers are always available for students to clear their doubts or get a little extra attention when they are struggling with a subject.
Students are not Easily Distracted in a Boarding School
Boarding schools provide fewer distractions so students can focus better on their studies. Distractions like phones, video games, and television are limited, and that helps students concentrate on their assignments and studies. Therefore, they perform better academically and live in an environment conducive to learning.
Character Development is Boosted in a Residential School
Students graduating from boarding schools are known to have excellent demeanor and character. They can handle situations better and can hold meaningful conversations. They are not easily flustered and can adjust to new environments.
Boarding School Students are Fluent in Several Languages
Since so many students from various cultures and backgrounds live together, it is easier for students to learn a new language. Even if the lessons taught in the class are in English, students interact with other students to learn their language. As time goes by, they become fluent in several languages, and that helps them connect with varied people.
Boarding schools offer more than academic excellence. They ensure an all-round development where children improve at solving problems, communicating, and socializing. So, if you have not considered a boarding school education for your child, it is high time you do.